Sunday, November 19, 2006

Okay, okay, okay. I know! I do. I know I don't blog on here as often person would want me to...but I blog a lot more on MySpace and you can get there now, my friend =P

In other news...I've had the time to develop some half-formed philosophies...all of which seem to escape me at this time. Oh wait...there's one that was inspired by me running into a couple of people I went to high school with at the Fourth of July festival a couple years want to talk about podunk white-trash? They had more kids between them than they did teeth! Why is it that stupid ones procreate?! And that, to an excess! How the hell are you going to support those kids when you work at Wal-Mart and she doesn't do a damn thing but sit home and watch Nascar while all those kids tear the trailer apart and live in squallor?! Dang! So, my philosophy: Even if you feel like you're drowning in lonliness, don't clutch onto the first piece of driftwood that comes your way. Have some self-esteem, for the love of al that is good and holy!

I found this today and have been posting it on a lot of my friends pages since...
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Is that not HILARIOUS!!! Hehehe...actually, setting this picture aside, I would totally do Jeff Goldblum. I think I have a major "thing" for dorks/nerds/geeks...well, maybe not so much geeks. Geeks without the pimples or the B.O., maybe.

So during this lapse in time between my posts, I've been subtly dicked over by two more relationships that I took seriously, to be sure, but that had rather abrupt endings that are very bewildering and leave me wondering, you know...what the hell is wrong with me. So at this point, f*ck it. I'm not looking for sh*t. I've done really well about developing my sense of self and knowing what I'm worth and what I have to offer, and you know what? I am waiting to make some man very lucky some day...and I'll be around, but they have to find me. So there. I'll just have to deal with being lonely/frustrated.

In other news...I have a cat. A this point the novelty has worn off and she's kind of showing herself to be quite a nuisance...I come home to find my garbage tipped over every once in a while...and one particular occurance kind of makes me giggle...I came home one day and the cat didn't run right up to me, as per her usual behavior, so I explore my tiny apartment (which takes all of 3.48 seconds) and find her trapped in my stand-up shower. Now...the walls to this thing are about 7-8 feet high...and the clearance between the top of the shower and the ceiling is about 10 inches...and some how she managed to jump over the top of it and get stuck in there for who knows how long. Currently she is racing and rampaging spazmodically around my living room with my red G-string in her jaws. Maybe I should put my laundry away. Something that does amuse me is that she loves to play tug-o-war with the ribbon I tied on to one of my old drumsticks as a toy for her.

And for you, my friend, if I were to say anything else about my Jalepeno Kruncher esperience, it would be totally over that thin gossamar, adverse to my normal nature, I, with good grace, will decline to say anything about how my asshole was so raw after spending those 45 minutes on the toilet that it felt like I had ripped another one open just so that I could feel twice the amount of pain. That just wouldn't be my style. :-D

1 comment:

Janna said...

I'll never look at Jeff Goldblum in quite the same way ever again...
But yeah, I know what you mean about the whole dork/nerd thing. I like those guys too.
I agree with your philosophy about not settling for the first piece of driftwood that floats along.
I hope you and the kitty can learn to warm up to each other. The part about the red g-string serving as a cat-toy was hilarious.
And... um. Yes. Thanks for telling us about the Kruncher experience. (I know, I know, I asked...)