Wednesday, November 22, 2006

List of things I could be doing now but I'm not.

1) Putting away the three loads of clean laundry that I have allowed to accumulate on my floor. Most of it is probably covered in black hair from the cat nesting in it while I'm gone to work or wherever.

2) Playing with/petting the cat. I think she's angry with me.

3) Putting away my clean dishes.

4) Washing the dirty ones.

5) Pooping.

6) Going to Barnes and Noble and getting a hot spiced chai and finding a random book to read in the cafe while I drink it.

7) Practicing. I'm pretty much all good on our music for the next H.W.S. concert except for one particularly nasty passage in "American Overature" that is just filled with rotten accidentals. Damn you, sharps!!!

8) Sewing up the split in the crotch of my work pants. This will *have* to be done some time today, as at 9:30 tonight I leave home to go work for 17 hours straight...and then come back 8 hours later to work another 7's a grand life, I tell ya. Hopefully, between tonight being one of the biggest bar nights of the year and tomorrow being Thanksgiving, since I'm waitressing I just might make some fat cash/pity tips. Here's hoping I come home with at least $200!!

9) Reading. I'm fresh out of new, interesting books. There are several books that I wish were either out in paperback or just out period, members of the former category including "Phantom" by Terry Goodkind and the last installment of The Obsidian Trilogy by Mallory/Lackey (the title of which I'm not certain), and the latter category being "A Dance with Dragons", the next installment of A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. Kyle and Fritz totally turned me into a fantasy literature nerd.

10) Hanging out with friends. Anywhere.


Steven said...

I suggest you poop.

It can be bad for your health to get backed up. ;)


Janna said...

Dude, in case you're still alive in this section of cyberspace, I tagged you with a meme.
Here it is.