Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Hey all. How you doin'? Chances are that, if you're here, you know me already, but if not, hey! That's cool too!

I like this picture because it shows my favorite tattoos. Why my buddy Fritz had to take it while I was scratching a dog's ass, I don't know, but whatever.

Speaking of Fritz...yeah I'm still pretty depressed about the whole breaking off of our quasi-relationship thing...but again, whatever...he's gotta do what he's gotta do.

In other news...had rehearsal tonight. It was good times. I'm digging the stuff we're playing in the Hillsdale Wind Symphony for this next concert...however, the fact that Chris (on the left in this picture) is in Ethiopia (I miss you, brown shuga!) and Fritz (on the right) is busy with his school band on Tuesday nights kinda puts a damper on it. A further disappointment is that Kristen has a class early Wednesday nights so she and Dennis won't be coming to Cavoni's after rehearsal anymore.

I feel like I've lost so many of my best friends in such a short time...can't talk to Chris anymore, can't talk to Fritz (since the situation with him is the main thing I need to talk about), won't be seeing Kristen and Dennis at all except for during rehearsals (and that's not exactly recreational time). I dunno...but Kyle, Janna and I had a pretty good time tonight, just the three of us. I know I'm loved, I know I have friends...and I'm really, really trying to not be such an emo drama-queen about this whole thing but it's hard.


Janna said...

This is great-- you have a blog!
How exciting!
I'll put up a link to your blog, so maybe a few of my readers can click on over to your place too. Don't get too excited; I only have about six readers or so. :)
Tell us about the whole Fritz thing; I really am clueless about what the hell happened. Enquiring minds want to know. Please share the tale!
Thanks so much for taking the time to read my blog... I hope you keep visiting. Did you see the band pictures I posted, where there's an atomic bomb over your head?

Mo and The Purries said...

hello -- mo here from It's A Blog Eat Blog World. friend of Janna.
don' worry about being the emo drama-queen on your site -- that's what it's for!
blog on!